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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Tips to Speed Up Windows 10

Windows 10 is faster than the previous versions of Microsoft's OS, but you can still speed up your PC with our tricks.

As PC hardware continues to get faster, so does software, and Windows 10 is no exception. This is especially true of startup time: If you upgrade from Windows 7 or earlier, you'll be pleasantly surprised by how fast your machine is ready for action. But there are other performance factors to consider after you're up and running. We've compiled ten tips, many of which are perennial old standbys in the Windows performance game.

The problem with many Windows speedup stories is that they tell you to turn off some of the operating system's more charming features such as visual animations. Most of the tips here show you ways you can speed up your Windows 10 system without compromising its appearance and functionality. Most are free, but some involve spending a little cash on software or hardware. For those with older, lower-power machines who want a speed boost but don't care about extra goodies, a couple of the tips towards the end can boost system performance at the expense of some bells and whistles.

If you have your own tips for speeding up Windows 10, please don't hesitate to post your suggestions in the comment section below.

1. Change Power Settings to Maximum Performance

2. Change Appearance in Performance Options Dialog

3. Clean Up Your Disk

4. Limit Startup Processes


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